Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

WEEK OF June 27 – July 3, 2022

Can we ask a personal question, Scorpio? How have you been spending your free time—and how happy are you with that arrangement? There’s a reason for our interest. This Tuesday, June 28, soulful Neptune turns retrograde in emo Pisces and your fifth house of fun, flirtation and creativity, which can turn your attention back to those favorite things! This is a five-month reversal—lasting until December 3—so if you do determine your priorities are askew, you’ll have a long runway to make your pivot. You don’t do anything by half-measure, and you have no tolerance for fair-weather friends. And there’s no reason for a Scorpio to settle for anything less than 100 percent! Step back and look at your key connections. Do your friends support and inspire you—or pull you down with tales of endless trials and tribulations? This goes double for love interests. If you’re single, hit reset on your expectations and deal breakers and raise that bar to an appropriately high level (but not SO high that no one could possibly reach it)! Be the kind of person you want to attract, and also be discriminating when you say yes to meeting up. Attached? Neptune’s backspin in this passionate zone can actually put things into a clearer perspective and shine a light on where things can stand improvement, which could be a very exciting “project” to embark on together!

Later on Tuesday, the year’s only Cancer new moon powers up your free-range, expansive ninth house, intensifying your wanderlust. But you want to be strategic about what and how you go about scratching that itch! You definitely don’t want to burn any bridges or give anyone the impression that your “whims” are more important than commitments you’ve made. And yet, there might be certain situations that are simply too restrictive and from which you NEED to break free. Take a few days (even a couple weeks) to reflect on what you are willing to release or step away from, perhaps permanently, and what you might have some negotiating wiggle room on. As you craft your exit strategy, give yourself plenty of time to execute it. There’s no reason to get angry or resentful, even if you realize that someone’s been taking advantage of you. Just focus on the goal and make sure that everything you do between now and the corresponding Cancer FULL moon on January 6, 2023, is supporting those intentions. And then, slowly and surely, keep taking those steps in the right direction until one day, just like that, you are living the dream!

Watch your stress levels this Friday, which brings the annual tense square between your two planetary rulers, aggro Mars (in feisty Aries and your persnickety sixth house) and provocateur Pluto in your house of casual friendships. Mars is on a six-week trek through your critical sixth house, which makes you hard to please, and Friday’s activating square from penetrating Pluto in your expressive third house can set you off like a volcano. It won’t take much to trigger a vitriolic outburst, and unless you WANT to rush around doing damage control next week, keep a mindful eye on your temper today. This is actually a beautiful opportunity to learn to channel these intense emotions into something constructive. So keep that deadly stinger retracted, no matter how much someone baits you. It’s worth seeing if you might be able to bring your differences to the negotiation table and hash things out like adults. And if not? Sleep on it —possibly all weekend—and see how everyone is feeling when cooler heads prevail next week.

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