Animal rights groups urge lawmakers to put a stop to cockfighting

In Alabama, cockfighting is a misdemeanor with up to a $50 penalty.

That’s not enough to put a stop to the bloodsport in Alabama. Animal advocates say cockfighting spreads diseases and advances violence and illegal gambling.

Cockfighting commonly involves fitting the birds' legs with razor attachments that intensify the bloodshed. The fight ends when one gamecock dies or stops fighting, but it’s common for both birds to die after a fight.

The Alabama law has been static since President William McKinley was in office at the turn of the century.

Animal Wellness Action and the Center for Humane Economy have called on Gov. Kay Ivey to prod legislators to up the misdemeanor to a felony.

“This is a barbaric activity,” said Wayne Pacelle, president and founder of Animal Wellness Action.

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