Collaborative baptism event Baptize SoCal draws 250 Southern California churches

Over 4,000 were baptized and publicly declared their faith in Jesus Christ at Pirate’s Cove in Newport Beach, the same historic baptism site during the Jesus People Movement in the 1970s

Baptize SoCal, a collaborative baptism event that brought together over 250 churches in Southern California, successfully occurred at Pirate’s Cove, a historic baptism site during the Jesus People Movement with Chuck Smith in the 1970s. The event aimed to allow individuals to undergo water baptism and publicly declare their faith in Jesus Christ.

On Pentecost Sunday, May 28th, 2023, an estimated 10,000-12,000 attendees witnessed a remarkable 4,166 baptisms throughout the afternoon. “We believed that if we stepped out in obedience, God’s people would rally, and it would become one of the largest water baptisms in American History,” said Pastor Mark Francey of Oceans Church, who hosted the event. “Little did we know that a film would come out just a few months after our receiving the vision that celebrated water baptisms at Pirates Cove (Jesus Revolution).”

The event concluded with a live-album recording featuring popular Christian songs, including “Great Are You Lord.” The event left a lasting impact, transforming numerous lives and facilitating healing experiences.

Building on this success, Baptize SoCal aspires to expand its reach and become Baptize California. “Next year, our intention is to call it Baptize California (not just SoCal) and have baptisms on Pentecost Sunday, from San Diego all the way up to the top of the state,” Francey stated. “Then we plan to unite the Big “C” Church to rally the following year in what we will call Baptize America, hosting hub locations from coast to coast where people can gather and get baptized.

The organization envisions hosting similar events on multiple beaches along the California coast, offering baptisms, worship, and celebration opportunities to the wider body of Christ. The organizers believe that God has more in store for California, as evident in the increasing resurgence and spiritual hunger among individuals and churches in the state, fostering a sense of unity and promoting widespread spiritual awakening.

Baptize SoCal’s next water baptism event is scheduled for Sunday, May 19th, 2024. It will continue to be a multi-church gathering, emphasizing the collective effort of various congregations. Francey concluded, “God is not done with America, and we are convinced if we can unite the Church and turn fully back to Jesus, He will heal our land.”

For additional information about Baptize SoCal and its upcoming events, please visit or contact them via email at [email protected].

Follow Baptize SoCal on social media on Instagram and Facebook @baptizesocal.

For media inquiries and interviews, please contact Stephanie Dunson at [email protected].

About Baptize SoCal:
Baptize SoCal is a collaborative baptism event that brings together churches in Southern California to allow individuals to be water baptized and publicly profess their faith in Jesus Christ. The organization aims to foster spiritual awakening and unity among the people and churches in California. 


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