How To Open The Isolated Divine Tower In Elden Ring

Unlike the Divine Towers of Liurnia or Caelid in Elden Ring, the Isolated Divine Tower is not connected to any major landmass. True to its name, the tower sits secluded out on a small island in the sea north of Dragonburrow, south of the Mountaintops of Giants. To get to the Isolated Divine Tower, Tarnished must use the Sending Gate on the Divine Bridge in Leyndell, Royal Capital. Many travelers may find getting to the portal to try and open Elden Ring’s Isolated Divine Tower quite tedious, as they must fight through several high-level enemies to reach the Sending Gate.

Fortunately, there is an alternate route by using the Transporter Trap Chest atop the Tower of Return. Adventurers can arrive at this location by traveling southeast from the Isolated Merchant’s Shack in the Weeping Peninsula. This portal will send them to the Divine Bridge Site of Grace, allowing them to bypass enemies. Once there, adventurers will need the Great Rune of Malenia to open the Isolated Divine Tower and activate the Rune’s power.


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Isolated Divine Tower Locked? Try Elden Ring’s Most Famous Boss

Unlocking The Isolated Divine Tower In Elden Ring

Malenia is the Scarlet-ridden Demigod of Elphael, Brace of the Haligtree, the castle built within Miquella’s Haligtree in Elden Ring. The only way to reach her location is by collecting the two halves of the Haligtree Secret Medallion and activating the hidden mechanism in the Grand Lift of Rold to access the Hidden Path to the Haligtree, which leads to the Consecrated Snowfield.

Travel further north to Ordina, Liturgical Town, and complete the Evergaol puzzle to enter the Miquella’s Haligtree Portal. Players who have trouble with Ordina’s puzzle should check out the video below from Gaming With Abyss on YouTube:

Once Tarnished arrives in Haligtree, they must first brave through the winding branches of the canopy before reaching Elphael. The region is full of formidable foes, such as the mandatory Field Boss Loretta, Knight of the Haligtree. Once adventurers make it to the Roots of the Haligtree, they can challenge Malenia in one of the most brutal boss fights in Elden Ring.

It is highly recommended Tarnished face Malenia with other summoned players or prepare an upgraded Spirit Ashes Summon beforehand. Furthermore, the protagonist should be leveled at 120 through 150 for the battle.

Once they complete the monumental task of defeating the Goddess of Rot, they can triumphantly return to open Elden Ring’s Isolated Divine Tower and access its Two Fingers.


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Elden Ring’s Isolated Divine Tower Reward

Malenia letting her Scarlet Rot bloom in her Elden Ring boss fight.

Once the Isolated Divine Tower is open, players can make their way to the top and restore power to Malenia’s Great Rune. Fitting for both her moveset and lore, Malenia’s Great Rune will basically give your Elden Ring character Bloodborne powers, and the pleasure of getting health back through quick attacks should make the long quest to open Elden Ring’s Isolated Divine Tower worth it.

Elden Ring Poster

Elden Ring

February 25, 2022

Bandai Namco Entertainment


  • Elden Ring Poster

    Elden Ring



    Action, RPG

    PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, PC

    Bandai Namco Entertainment


    Expansion Packs :
    The Colosseum

    How Long To Beat:
    56 Hours

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